
Conversion Rate

aka Conversions, Acquisition conversion rate

Conversion Rate is a measure of the amount of visitors who have completed a goal on a website. The higher the conversion rate, the more successful the marketing campaigns. Examples of common conversions include: making a purchase, submitting a form, calling your business, engaging with your online chat, signing up for a subscription, registering on the site, downloading something, using something, upgrading their service, engaging in the site in some way. [1]

A good conversion rate is above 10%, with some businesses achieving an average of 11.45%. Earning a good conversion rate places your company in the top 10% of global advertisers, which makes your conversion rate two to five times better than the average conversion rate. [2]

Specifically, acquisition conversion rate answers the question: Out of all the unique visitors who visited your website from each channel, how many performed a basic action to start using your tool? (such as, and/or…created an account, clicked on a link, commented on a post, downloaded your app, stayed more than 2 minutes etc…) [3]

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